Michelle Pfile - Life and Business Coach | Intermittent Fasting Coach

3 Things Network Marketers Need To Start Doing Online Now

Feb 18, 2021

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Network Marketers - this one is for you!

If you have been on social media for any length of time, you know that it's always changing. And just when you get comfortable with what you're doing... it changes again. 

In this solo Episode of The Michelle Pfile Show, Michelle discusses how to best use social media to convert and shares the social media strategy that she used to recommend and why it's not working anymore.

The truth is, people come to social media to find solutions to their problems, not to read about your day-to-day activities and accomplishments. No one cares about your accomplishments anymore but they do want to know how you achieved them. It's time to put the personal diary away and start becoming a resource.

Tune in to hear the 3 tips that will simplify your social media content and what 2 things you need to nail for a successful online business. 

Did you hear? This month Michelle is partnering with her mentor Chalene Johnson to bring you The Marketing Impact & Blow Up Your Business + Brand Academy! All month long they will be bringing you next-level free content, masterclasses and resources to help shift your business.

Make sure you're on Michelle's email list or inside The Contagious Community on Facebook (turn those notifications ON) so you don't miss any of it!


Monetize Your Social Media - Learn how to start and grow a business with no budget, no business plan, and social media in this FREE masterclass.

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The Real Truth About Grief with Michelle Pfile

Feb 14, 2024