Setting Goals For Your Network Marketing Business in 2021
Dec 30, 2020Last week I took to my Instagram Stories to talk about setting goals in our network marketing business.
As it turns out, most people didn't know where to start when it comes to crafting a vision. And even worse, some think that setting goals sets them up for failure in both their life and business... huh?
Truth be told, that was ME - for years I set the infamous “resolutions”, only to fail literally by the next week. Always the classic, “lose 15lbs, and by Thursday night I’d be fist deep into a bag of Cheetos...
So take it from me... someone who has been there, and done that but also someone who has mastered the art of goal setting without always seeing failure on the other end.
And thanks to all that goal setting, I now have a multiple 6 figure a year in my Network Marketing Business and Private Coaching Practice.
Like I said... resolutions NEVER WORKED for me.
Then I started crafting Dream Boards. I would get out my fancy markers & magazines and get to work. But I missed the boat there too. Something was off and there was no intentionality to it.
It was just a “dream” board. It didn’t make me feel anything, besides “...pfft this will never happen!”
Year after year those pictures of beautiful homes, cars, the massive amount of money wouldn’t come to fruition either, until I made some changes.
To save you the trouble of crafting your own plan, I am sharing the steps I take when creating my vision and setting goals for my Network Marketing Business.
To be honest, this isn't the most fun part but it's SO KEY!
Step one: Take A Look Back
I know 2020 has been a challenge - lives have been lost, businesses closed, we’ve been stripped of our freedom (in more ways than one for some). 2020 has taken things away from us.
However we can’t go into a new year with regret.
So the first thing I do is acknowledge, and release the past. I close my eyes and play the year in my head like a movie, quick snapshots of the past 365 days.
Sometimes TEARS flow, giggles sneak out and I always have some forgiving to do.
Being super transparent here. these are some of the things I had to forgive before I could release 2020 and move on with NO REGRETS or feelings of shame or blame...
- I let distraction win far too many times...overthinking, and shifting gears this way and that way instead of focusing in.
- I jumped into a high level coaching investment out of EGO instead of listening to my GUT!
- I tried to do WAY too many things at once, (ads, pages, websites, courses) instead of focusing on ONE thing and doing it really well!
- I wasted SO MUCH time watching everyone else (and comparing) instead of digging inside myself where all MY PERFECT answers lie
- I put trust into people without following up enough. There were far too many times I wasn’t the CEO of my business! At the end of the day - we control our business...NO ONE ELSE.
- I took my foot OFF the gas and that landed me just shy of 2 goals I had set for myself. I let FEAR take over - I let worrying about what others would think takeover...lesson learned!
This is how I start, not super duper fun, but cleansing nonetheless.
I truly believe you can’t go into a new year with the baggage of the past. Starting with a clean slate is key.
The past is truly the past. We can envision a future so much more clearly when we live with no regrets!
Then I follow up with these questions...
I typically think about 7 different areas in my life.
+Health and Fitness
+Personal Growth
+My Career
+Social Life and Community
+Family and Friends
+Finances and Wealth Creation
Here are the 5 Questions I focus on:
Question #1
What am I tolerating that I shouldn't be anymore?
(What things are holding me back from my best life?)
Question #2
What do I want to do, that I have been putting off?
(What is that VISION, that GOAL that gives you butterflies when you think about it)
Question #3
Who do I need to forgive + what do I need to forgive them for to move forward towards my vision?
(Often the person is myself, if you didn't do enough forgiving before you started...now's your chance.)
Question #4
Why haven't I accomplished/got/done this ____________________________?
(Insert desired results and WHY...what specifically is holding you back?)
Question #5
What would an INCREDIBLE 2021 LOOK and FEEL like to me?
(FEEL IT, SEE IT. This is what the VISION is made of...)
After I contemplate and answer these 5 questions, I have a really CLEAR AND SIMPLE plan.
I'm a huge fan of then breaking things down.
Setting tangible SMART GOALS that will get me to my desired results! Often in 90 day periods!
What could I do in the next 90 days that will get be closer to my BIG VISION?
Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
This is my process . No it may not be as easy as setting a few Resolutions, or as FUN as a Dream Board (although it's so fun to make one after this process).
But this WORKS! It enables you to process things - ask yourself HARD QUESTIONS, forgive and live with no regrets of the past only visions for the future!
As always the BEST CONVERSATIONS happen in the COMMENTS!
I'd love to hear about your vision, if you are a fan of setting goals and what your NUMBER 1 achievement was from 2020.
Wishing you the best end to 2020!
Michelle x