Wanna get HIGH?

Oct 24, 2018

Wanna get a natural high?💫
Try being yourself and owning it!

Let’s just start this by saying…this has been my BIGGEST weakness my whole life!
C O N F I D E N C E! Or lack there of!!
I just didn’t have it.

I’ve been a spinning top for most of my life…looking here and there, at this person and that person…why are they skinnier…what if I looked like that, how are they so successful, how did they get chosen before we did, ok I will do that…SO MUCH WASTED TIME — comparing — me to them!

And then I knew I had to change…because the spinning…the overwhelm…and the last straw, something that brought me to my knees.
I stood there frantic…my heart was pounding, she’s BETTER THAN ME…she’s better at this, I’m a failure…look at what she’s doing —- and right then like a perfect storm, I looked up and saw 2 hazel eyes staring at me—I knew she thought I had completely lost my marbles, for split second I thought I was living a "Mommy dearest episode."

I knew I had work to do…A  L O T  of work. Funny I preach confidence and have been for some time, and the truth is, I've had very little! It hasn’t mattered how much weight I've lost, what my pants size is, what ranks I climb, or what my house looks like.…it's never made a difference!

Because confidence comes from WITHIN, you can do a million things on the outside, but until you start working on your inside you won’t truly have it! True confidence comes from loving yourself!
ALL of you, all your amazing qualities, & all your imperfections! All the mistakes, and all the things you celebrate! They ALL COUNT, they have shaped who you are.

Here is what I had to start doing…Sitting with MYSELF!

Do you ever do that?? Think about what you are thinking?? {{crazy right}}
Did you know of  A L L  the conversations you’ve had today…you’ve talked to yourself the most!

Take that in for one hot minute!

How are you talking to yourself? What kind of questions are you asking? Because they are shaping you, either HELPING you or HINDERING your success, and ultimately your confidence!

Here are a few questions you could ask yourself today:
*How do I really want to show up in this world?

*What emotions am I feeling right now and why?

*Am I prioritizing my health and my happiness?

*How do I want to feel?

“Be an INSPIRATION NOT an IMITATION!” {best quote from a really great book I am reading by Cara Alwill.}

Don’t let the opinions or actions of other people dictate what you are going to do! Every single day you have a choice of how are you are going to show up in this world.

If you are spinning, like I was…start spending some time with yourself…that is where all the answers lie.                  Every potential client I talk to gets asked the SAME question, BEFORE we talk about programs, workouts, meal plans, or even future & financial goals…”HOW DO YOU WANT TO FEEL compared to HOW YOU ARE FEELING RIGHT NOW??”

Ladies, this takes daily practice and patience…I haven’t conquered this…but I'm getting closer!
True confidence, starts inside. 
Owning who we authentically are & choosing how we are going to show up in the world is the best HIGH!!💫💞✨

Thinking that it's time to work on this a bit?
Start working on how you WANT TO FEEL??
Let's CHAT!


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